The USTR published in the Federal Register additional exclusions pertaining to China Section 301 List#3 tariffs of February 20, 2020. Importers should review the list of new items carefully to see if they have any products that meet the scope of any of the exclusions. Among the products with exclusions are a number of different fabrics as well as various types of power supplies.
Please note the following:
- Customs began collecting List#3 tariffs starting on September 24, 2018. The earliest entries from that time most likely have liquidated and are close to reaching the 180 day time limit to file a Protest, if they haven’t already reached the deadline. If importers wish to file a Protest to request a refund of duties, they need to check ASAP to see if they are still within the time period.
- This latest set of exclusions are only valid up to August 7, 2020.