Global Supply Chain Slowly Grinding to a Halt

We’ve posted warnings the past half year about the global supply chain steadily becoming more congested and the cost of shipping rising accordingly. In the past few months, more articles have published about shortages in everything from boba balls to garden gnomes. We highly recommend everyone to watch the video that the Wall Street Journal published a few…

Section 301 China Tariffs Extended For Limited Number of Products

There were a limited number of products subject to Section 301 China Tariff exclusions set to expire on May 31, 2024. The USTR decided to extend the exclusions for a limited number of products. Out of the 429 exclusions, only 164 were extended. Please see Annex C n the USTR publication. Note that ONLY products under Annex…

Proposed Modifications to the Section 301 China Tariff

On May 14, 2024, the USTR released its report summarizing the four-year review of the Section 301 tariff actions taken on imports from China.  Following the release of the report, the USTR announced two proposed modifications to the Section 301 China Tariffs.   1.) Increasing the Section 301 tariff in a few key sectors: Battery parts (non-lithium-ion…

USTR Extends Section 301 Exclusions Until December 31, 2023

The USTR announced today the extension of the 352 previously reinstated Section 301 exclusions and 77 COVID-related exclusions. The exclusions were set to expire on September 30, 2023. The new expiration date for the exclusions is December 31, 2023. Importers who have products subject to the exclusions should adjust their shipment planning accordingly. As a…


West Coast Port Congestion Due To Labor Disputes

Port congestion slowly is continuing to build back up at West Coast ports as the labor dispute between the ILWU and PMA continues. Los Angeles/Long Beach While the terminals appear to be open, productivity has dropped dramatically. CNBC reported that as of yesterday, six vessels were delayed at Los Angeles while two were at anchor at…